National Little Britches Rodeo Association of Michigan
Trail Hand Division (7 & Under – State-Only Program)
The Trail Hand division is unique to Michigan and serves as an introduction to rodeo, allowing young participants to develop skills in a supportive, educational environment. For more information on the Trail Hand division, please visit the Trail Hand page of the website.
Little Wrangler Division (5-8 Years Old – National Division)
**Dual Division Option – Kids ages 5-7 may participate in both Trail Hand & Little Wrangler, but cannot compete in the same event in both divisions (e.g., cannot do barrels in both LW and TH).
Junior Division (9-13 Years Old – National Division)
Junior Girls Events
Junior Boys Events
Senior Division (14-18 Years Old – National Division)
Senior Girls Events
Senior Boys Events
*Team Events
Dally Ribbon Roping and Team Roping require a partner within the same age division. Partners can be male or female.
Trail Hand (State-Only Division)
Little Wrangler
5 to 8 years old
The NLBRA of Michigan offers multiple age divisions to ensure fair competition and skill development for all participants. Your division is determined by your age on the first Monday following the National Finals Rodeo. If you were 18 at the start of the season, you remain eligible even if you turn 19.