National Little Britches Rodeo Association of Michigan

NLBRA of Michigan Junior Princess 

Lily Marvel 

2025  Pagent Information  

Coming soon! 

The NLBRA of Michigan Royalty competition crowns three state titles: Little Wrangler, Junior Princess, and Queen. These titles are awarded to contestants who demonstrate a strong understanding of the NLBRA, uphold the values of the association, and serve as representatives of both our state and organization.

State royalty play a vital role throughout the season by attending events, organizing grand entry at each rodeo, and assisting with award announcements. Titleholders must be in good standing and actively participate in the majority of rodeos during their reign, which lasts one year.

Winning a state title also provides the opportunity to compete at the national level if contestants choose to pursue it.


to the 2024 - 2025 NLBRA of MIchigan Royalty  

Current Royalty 

NLBRA of Michigan Queen 

Holly Branning 

Royalty Information